Online store

Online store

Sale of seeds, rootstocks and pistachio plants online

In the Mister Pistacho online store you can buy all the products from our pistachio plant nurseries. We are highly specialized in California pistachios and we distribute UCB1 hybrid seeds certified by the University of California at Davis, rootstocks or UCB1 rootstocks coming from these same seeds and raised in our pistachio nurseries, plants grafted on UCB1 rootstock and rods of vegetative or wooden pistachio buds, both fresh in summer and refrigerated pruned.

Catalog of products from our pistachio nurseries

Venta de pistacho para snack e industria

En la tienda online de Mister Pistacho podrás solicitar un presupuesto para comprar pistachos, tanto para su consumo en snack, como para su uso en la industria alimenticia. Estamos altamente especializados en pistachos de las variedades Kerman y Sirora en distintos calibres y tostados y ligeramente salados, así como en pistachos de la variedad Larnaka para su uso habitual en industria en la producción de helados, dulces, postres, etc. Consúltanos sin compromiso y estaremos encantados de ofrecerte el mejor precio posible según cantidad en pistachos para consumo e industria.

Catálogo de productos de pistacho en grano


667 35 90 48

Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

You can also buy by phone and WhatsApp

Importance of UCB1 in Spain

It is worth knowing that the UCB1 it's the only one rootstock cultivable in Spain can be grafted in the first year, both in the field and in the nursery. It is worth highlighting the optimal development of this crop in dry climates, cold in winter and hot in summer; characteristics that we find in several central areas of the peninsula. Hence Mister Pistacho count on the best nurseries when it comes to germinating the seeds of the UCB1, located in the center of the peninsula, areas that are very cold in winter and very hot in summer, factors that harden the plant making its quality literally enviable.

Our objective goes far beyond the purely commercial as we also want to see you grow and witness the success of your pistachio plantation. Don't hesitate, if you want to start growing the pistachio tree, count on Mister Pistacho to advise you and accompany you throughout the entire process, from the purchase of UCB1 hybrid seeds certified by UC Davis, UCB1 hybrid rootstocks from our nurseries to already grafted plants. from our pistachio mother plantations. In addition, we offer you the best agricultural services specialized in the cultivation of pistachios so that, together with the biological material that you can buy in our online pistachio store or by phone or WhatsApp, you can make your pistachio plantation prosper, guaranteeing maximum profitability for your investment and crop success.

Don't think twice, if you plan to grow pistachios, think about Mister Pistacho.

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