Mister Pistacho

UCB1 pistachio plant

What is the UCB1?


Name UCB1 (“University of California Berkeley 1”) refers to the rootstock or pistachio pattern created by renowned scientist Dr. Lee Ashworth. After multiple hybridization tests based on a process of pollination closed between female trees Pistacia Atlantic and male Pistacia Integérrima, resulted in this marvel of a plant, fruit of arduous efforts on the part of the Department of Plant Pathology of the University of California Davis both in terms of selection and optimization of results. It took several years of work to select the best trees parental, the most productive, vigorous, resistant to cold and the Verticillium Dahliae fungus, among other characteristics. To check whether the fertilization of the seeds has been carried out with the pollen of the previously selected male tree, tests are constantly carried out at the university to guarantee that the genetics of the seeds come from the parental trees. On the other hand, one of the strengths of UCB1 of seed, not of UCB1 cloned in the laboratory, is its genetic variability. Despite coming from the same parental trees, there will always be a variation in their genes that favor natural defense against fungal and bacterial attacks.


Features of the UCB1?


He UCB1 It's a miracle in the form of plant, since it has some characteristics that, without a doubt, leave others out of play rootstock of pistachio. Its qualities include its high resistance/tolerance to the Verticillium Dahliae fungus, harmful insects and pests, and its firmness in combating bacterial attacks is worthy of praise. It is also very resistant to salinity, cold and sudden changes in temperatures. It has growth well above the average of most rootstock of pistachio, making it possible to see results in a short time, not to mention the high rate of profitability that derives directly as a consequence of everything mentioned above and its high production of the fruit. It also has a high homogeneity rate.

Already entering into the mission of one's own UCB1, has a high percentage of graft grip, varying between 70 and 90 percent depending on the care and conditions to which it is subjected.

As a general rule, it is recommended to plant in deep soils that, at the same time, have a good supply of water. Of course, the plant needs your care, as this will have a direct impact on the results. However, don't worry about the details, because we have the best technicians and advisors in the field of pistachio planting, so you will only need a little willpower so that we can lead you along the path to success.

Why should you buy UCB1 instead of other patterns or rootstock?


To understand the quality of rootstock UCB1 that we are offering you, it would not hurt to review the advantages it has compared to others. For example the Pistacia Atlantica is more sensitive to bacterial diseases; the Pistacia Integerrima, although it is true that it is resistant to verticillosis caused by some fungi, is not so resistant to winter cold and sudden changes in temperature; and finally, the Pistacia Terebinthus is a very heterogeneous plant, of low vigor and that only shows its maximum version in conditions determined by an excessive supply of water.

However, as we have explained in the previous section, the UCB1 manages to bring together the best of everything. Furthermore, he has an unusual firmness and vigor for a rootstock of pistachios facilitating, without a doubt, the process of graft.

As a result, and aware of its potential, we provide floors of UCB1 germinated from seeds imported by our company directly from USA, in alveoli forestry or pots; with the aim of making the task easier for the client and that, together with our advice, we can pave the way for them as much as possible.

Importance of UCB1 in Spain


You have to know that the UCB1 it's the only one rootstock cultivable in Spain that can be grafted in the first year, both in the field and in the nursery. It is worth emphasizing the optimal development of this crop in dry climates, cold in winter and hot in summer; characteristics that we find in several central areas of the peninsula. Hence Mister Pistacho count on the best nurseries when it comes to germinating the seeds of the UCB1, located in the center of the peninsula, areas that are very cold in winter and very hot in summer, factors that harden the plant making its quality literally enviable. Our objective goes far beyond the purely commercial as we also want to see you grow and witness the success of your pistachio plantation.

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